BA/BSc/B.Com Admission Part-III (Session 2022-25)
This college is located in a village in Aurangabad district of Bihar.Vijay Singh College is located in RafiGanj, Bihar. This college in Rafiganj has been a center of higher education for students. The aim of Vijay Singh College is to provide quality education, promote personal development of students and also help students achieve their career goals.
Empowering every student to achieve Goals Read More..
Our primary vision is “glow bright and spread light”. Read More..
To promote education theoretically and practically Read More..
(UG )
Successfully Trained
Classes Completed
Satisfaction Rate
Students Community
Time to time seminar and other activities were run within the campus really it was the beauty of the college.
Sincere Teachers impart education with great zeal. Coordination among students and teachers are of great worth.